Tuesday, January 22, 2013

crochet with Yog..

Yes these days i used to crochet while listening Samkhya yog  by Acharya Pradumn Ji Maharaj

Let see...about it

If there is no mind than there is no possibility to get involved with worldly attractions. Each sense of Human being has its own area of application but mind have to play an important role in the process of perception of senses.

For example let’s consider our eyes; when we are looking at a beautiful scene around our mind is also involved and if we pick mind out of the scene than no scene will be perceived by our eyes even we are continuously looking at the said scene. Image may there on retina but we will be not aware of it.

Now let’s take scripture point of view; shrimad bhagwad geeta says “Nature – Prakriti is working with its three virtues – Satto Gunna, Razo Gunna and Tamogunna. There are three major area of nature. Actually this is classification of worldly attractions.

Nature is offering worldly attractions to senses. Attractions are there and also senses are there but event is not happening. This is because mind is not there. This is a beautiful process of involvement and it is natural only.

Worldly Attractions ß +Mind+--> Senses = Involvement

This involvement brings desires and these desires bring actions and material in the life. And besides this there is a spiritual law that one attraction brings others attractions like one value bring other values; it mean desires are interdependent also. And our journey of soul gets involved in worldly attractions ultimately and we forget the purpose of our life.

When we understand this process of desires, mind and material and we also understand that we can stop all this with the help of mind only; this is the mind which is creating new desires and also brings material with the help of nature. That’s why almost all religions, all meditation techniques all secret techniques are only working on mind.

The one who understand the process and stop the process by just aware of it is called a “Sankhya Yogi.”

This is the theory of Samkhya yog    XOXO

Monday, January 21, 2013

The Mittens...........

I just completed (finally!)the eyelet stole for my daughter and they have been dutifully packed off in lovely wrapper, belated for colder days but right on time for recently created cold days due to snowfalls in Himachal. And I am hooked. I will post the photos later, it is beautiful, but it’s also warm, comfortable, practical, and a relatively quick knit.

Zinnia mittens knit in Dale of Norway Baby Ull yarn, Mary Ann Stephens 2011
  Via   Here Only!

Now I will knit the Norwegian mittens, I haven't knitted mittens in years, because in the past I knitted them with One yarn colour and found that a single layer of knitted fabric just lets too much wind through to be warm enough for the wearer. I've been wearing military gloves ever since. But stranded mittens! Of course! Those smart Scandinavians know all about how to stay warm, don't they? I think It will took me a decade of knitting to wake up to the genius of Norwegian mittens, but I will try for sure. Luckily I found the design I did for my raglan sweater when I was studying in my BSc in CCSHAU……..Yes CCSHAU is my Alma Matter……… I think there are more mittens in my near future.

So, I have been thinking and thinking about the mittens for yarn!....colour…..wool yarn. Company.. ! Yes the resolutions. I like making resolutions, and in the past I've gotten pretty ambitious with them, resolving to do things like giving up plastic and practicing yoga every single day. Needless to say, they don't always stick, but I think it's a worthwhile exercise.

But I've been having a hard time coming up with resolutions this year, perhaps because stacked a huge amount of yarn in my possession! That’s why I feel very ambitious. One of the things I noticed about 2012 is that I worked much too hard. I put way too much pressure on myself to perform, and I think it's telling that I didn't take a single vacation(away from my leisure activities) day all year

So I think this is my resolution for 2013: Stop pushing myself so hard. Expect less from myself. Do less.

I'm not going to put any qualifiers on this one. I'm just going to try - less.OK………

Here is the previous one! Long Back Yes!The earlier to this planned to be knitted! The Norwegian Ones!

Sandy's Hook- A Crochet Blog: Last Minute Gift

I just completed (finally!)the eyelet stole for my daughter and they have been dutifully packed off in lovely wrapper, belated for colder days but right on time for recently created cold days due to snowfalls in Himachal. And I am hooked. I will post the photos later, it is beautiful, but it’s also warm, comfortable, practical, and a relatively quick knit.

Zinnia mittens knit in Dale of Norway Baby Ull yarn, Mary Ann Stephens 2011
  Via   Here Only!

Now I will knit the Norwegian mittens, I haven't knitted mittens in years, because in the past I knitted them with One yarn colour and found that a single layer of knitted fabric just lets too much wind through to be warm enough for the wearer. I've been wearing military gloves ever since. But stranded mittens! Of course! Those smart Scandinavians know all about how to stay warm, don't they? I think It will took me a decade of knitting to wake up to the genius of Norwegian mittens, but I will try for sure. Luckily I found the design I did for my raglan sweater when I was studying in my BSc in CCSHAU……..Yes CCSHAU is my Alma Matter……… I think there are more mittens in my near future.

So, I have been thinking and thinking about the mittens for yarn!....colour…..wool yarn. Company.. ! Yes the resolutions. I like making resolutions, and in the past I've gotten pretty ambitious with them, resolving to do things like giving up plastic and practicing yoga every single day. Needless to say, they don't always stick, but I think it's a worthwhile exercise.

But I've been having a hard time coming up with resolutions this year, perhaps because stacked a huge amount of yarn in my possession! That’s why I feel very ambitious. One of the things I noticed about 2012 is that I worked much too hard. I put way too much pressure on myself to perform, and I think it's telling that I didn't take a single vacation(away from my leisure activities) day all year

So I think this is my resolution for 2013: Stop pushing myself so hard. Expect less from myself. Do less.

I'm not going to put any qualifiers on this one. I'm just going to try - less.OK………

Here is the previous one! Long Back Yes!The earlier to this planned to be knitted! The Norwegian Ones!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

rik= rak

i bought two packs of rik-rak and found another way to atatch it... HERE