Wednesday, October 1, 2014


भारतीय संस्कृति और सनातन धर्म में गीता का योगदान सर्वाधिक महत्त्वपूर्ण है. गीता को भारतीय जीवन दर्शन का प्रणेता कहा जा सकता है. विश्व के सबसे लोकप्रिय ग्रन्थ भगवदगीता में प्रकृति के तीन गुणों के बारे में विस्तारपूर्वक बताया गया है.
             सत्त्वं रजस्तम इति गुणाः प्रकृतिसंभवाः.
             निबध्नन्ति महाबाहो देहे देहिनमव्ययम.
            गीता में कहा गया है की प्रकृति तीन गुणों से युक्त है. सतो, रजो तथा तमोगुण. जब शाश्वत जीव प्रकृति के संसर्ग में आता है, तो वह इन गुणों से बंध जाता है. दिव्य होने के कारण जीव को इस भौतिक प्रकृति से कुछ भी लेना-देना नहीं है. फिर भी भौतिक जगत में आने के कारण वह प्रकृति के तीनों गुणों के वशीभूत होकर कार्य करता है. यही मनुष्य के भौतिक जगत में सुख और दुःख का कारण है.
             तत्र सत्त्वं निर्मलत्वात्प्रकाशकमनामयम.
             सुखसंगें बध्नाति ज्ञानसंगें चानघ .
सतोगुण अन्य गुणों की अपेक्षा प्रकाश प्रदान करने वाला और मनुष्यों को सभी पापकर्मों से मुक्त करने वाला है. सतोगुणी लोग सुख तथा ज्ञान के भाव से बंध जाते हैं. सतोगुणी पुरुष को भौतिक कष्ट उतना पीड़ित नहीं करते और उसमें भौतिक ज्ञान की प्रगति करने की सूझ होती है. वास्तव में वैदिक साहित्य में कहा गया है की सतोगुण का अर्थ ही है अधिक ज्ञान तथा सुख का अधिकाधिक अनुभव. सतोगुण को प्रकृति के तीनों गुणों में प्रधान गुण माना गया है.
           रजो रागात्मकं विद्धि तृष्णासंगसमुद्भवं.
           तन्निबध्नाति कौन्तेय कर्मसंगें देहिनम.
 रजोगुण की उत्पत्ति असीम आकांक्षाओं तथा तृष्णा से होती है. इसी के कारण से यह देहधारी जीव सकाम कर्मों से बंध जाता है. रजोगुण की विशेषता है, पुरुष तथा स्त्री का पारस्परिक आकर्षण. रजोगुण में वृद्धि के कारण मनुष्य विषयों के भोग के लिए लालायित रहता है. वह इन्द्रियतृप्ति चाहता है. रजोगुण के फलस्वरूप ही मनुष्य संतान, स्त्री सहित सुखी घर परिवार चाहता है. यह सब रजोगुण के ही प्रतिफल हैं. लेकिन आधुनिक सभ्यता में रजोगुण का मानदंड ऊंचा है. अर्थात समस्त संसार ही न्यूनाधिक रूप से रजोगुणी है. प्राचीन काल में सतोगुण को उच्च अवस्था माना जाता था. लेकिन आधुनिक सभ्यता में रजोगुण प्रधान हो गया है. इसका कारण भौतिक भोग की लालसा में वृद्धि होना है.
         तमस्त्वज्ञानजं विद्धि मोहनं सर्वदेहिनाम.
        प्रमादालास्य निद्राभिस्तन्निबध्नाती भारत.
 अज्ञान से उत्पन्न तमोगुण समस्त देहधारी जीवों का मोह है. इस गुण के प्रतिफल पागलपन, आलस तथा नींद हैं, जो बद्धजीव को बांधते हैं. तमोगुण देहधारी जीव का अत्यंत विचित्र गुण है. यह गुण सतोगुण के सर्वथा विपरीत है.सतोगुण के विकास से मनुष्य यह जान सकता है की कौन क्या है, लेकिन तमोगुण इसके सर्वथा विपरीत है. जो तमोगुण के फेर में पड़ता है वह पागल सा हो जाता है और वह नहीं समझ पता है की कौन क्या है. वह प्रगति के बजाय अधोगति को प्राप्त हो जाता है. अज्ञान के वशीभूत होने पर मनुष्य किसी वस्तु को यथारूप नहीं समझ पाता है. तमोगुणी व्यक्ति जीवन भर लगातार विषयों की और दौड़ता है. और सत्य को जाने बिना पागल की तरह धन का संग्रह करता है. ऐसा व्यक्ति सदैव निराश प्रतीत होता है और भौतिक विषयों के प्रति व्यसनी बन जाता है. यह सभी तमोगुणी व्यक्ति के लक्षण हैं.
      सत्त्वं सुखे संच्यति रजः कर्मणि भारत.
      ज्ञानमावृत्य तु तमः प्रमादे संचयत्युत.
भगवदगीता गीता के उपदेश में श्रीकृष्ण, अर्जुन से कहते हैं की हे भरतपुत्र! सतोगुण मनुष्य को सुख से बांधता है, रजोगुण सकाम कर्म से बांधता है. वहीँ तमोगुण मनुष्य के ज्ञान को ढक कर उसे पागलपन से बांधता है. भगवान् श्रीकृष्ण कहते हैं की सतोगुणी पुरुष अपने कर्म या बौद्धिक वृत्ति से उसी तरह संतुष्ट रहता है, जिस प्रकार दार्शनिक, वैज्ञानिक अपनी विद्याओं में निरत रहकर संतुष्ट रहते हैं. रजोगुणी व्यक्ति सकाम कर्म में लग सकता है, वह यथासंभव धन प्राप्त करके उत्तम कार्यों में खर्च करता है. अस्पताल आदि खोलता है और धर्मार्थ के कार्यों में व्यय करता है. ये रजोगुणी व्यक्ति के लक्षण हैं.
लेकिन तमोगुण तो व्यक्ति के ज्ञान को ही ढक लेता है. तमोगुण में रहकर मनुष्य जो भी करता है, वह न तो उसके लिए, न किसी अन्य के लिए हितकर होता है. इसलिए सतोगुण ही व्यक्ति के जीवन को सफल बना सकता है, और मोक्ष की प्राप्ति का रास्ता भी सतोगुण से होकर ही जाता है.source

Monday, August 25, 2014

Knotty Knotty Crochet: Sock Monkey hat pattern!

 Sock Monkey hat pattern!

So, for those who love this little monkey as much as I do, I am attempting to do this as my first free pattern available on my blog. I saw a picture of this adorable hat and had to try it. So thats what I did. I didn't have a pattern for this I just kind of "eyeballed" it. So sorry, if it doesn't make sense, post if you have a comment or question!


Materials used
worsted weight yarn. I used pattons "canadiana"
in grey, cream and red.
Black buttons (2)
g hook

guage?? I will have to make a guage swatch and come back to this. The finished hat fits a 3 month old baby, but the pattern will be anywhere from newborn to 3 months.

Start with cream color by ch 4, join to first ch to form ring (or use magic ring).


2.ch2 2dc in each dc (12 st) join every round unless otherwise noted 2 (2dc in next dc, dc in next dc) 6 times (18 sts)

4.ch2 (2dc in next st, dc in next two sts) 6 times (24 sts)

5.ch2 (2dc in next st, dc in next three sts) 6 times (30 sts)
change to red yarn ch 1 1 (sc in each st around) 2 times ( you will have 2 rows of red in sc)

7.change color to grey ch 2
dc in same st, dc all the way around. Continue in pattern until 6 rows of dc are done.
break off yarn

earflap: (make two)
start by attaching grey yarn to hat

1.dc 11, ch 2 turn

2.dc2tog, dc in next 7 st dc2tog ch 2 turn

3.dc2tog, dc in next 5 st, dc2 tog ch 2 turn

4.dc2tog, dc in nex 3 st, dc2tog ch 2 turn

5.dc2tog,  dc in nex st, dc2tog ch 2 turn

6.dc2tog twice. break off yarn.

Monkey ear:
 use grey. ch 2

1. 6sc in second ch from hook
do not join

2. 2sc in each of the 6 previous sc. (12 sts)

3. (2sc in next st, sc in next two sts) 6 times (18 sts)

4. 18 sc around (2 times). Break yarn leaving 12" at least for sewing on. attach using darning needle.

Monkey mouth
with red ch 15
1. sc in second ch from hook, and in each stitch across. sc a second time in last st.

2. working on the under side of initial chain sc all the way sc twice in last st.

3. change to cream yarn. sc all the way around twice, doing two sc in each of the "corner" stitches. Leave a long tail for sewing to hat.

Attach black buttons for eyes using cream colored yarn, or thread.

I used four strands of each color to attach tie strings on to the earflaps and braided them, then trimmed the ends.

Here are some more variations of color that you could do....the sky is the limit!

For a list of crochet stitches and how to make them go here.

**You may use this pattern to sell items, but I request that a link or credit be given back to this site** This is a ©Knotty Knotty Crochet pattern, and may not under any circumstances be sold in whole or in part. Duplication is by written permission only.

Knotty Knotty Crochet: bootie

Pretty & Plain little Mary Jane FREE crochet pattern!

Well, it has been a while since I have come up with a new pattern all my very own.  I wanted to make a really cute little Mary Jane slipper, and I just couldn't find what I was looking for. So.....looking at many different pictures of what I thought I wanted I came up with this pattern.

These will fit a 0-3 month infant. or measure approx 3 1/2"
I used worsted weight yarn and a 3.25 mm hook (mine says size D on it).
 You will need small amounts of two colors of yarn. about 50 gr of each.
Also you will need two small buttons, and a needle.

The stitches used are:

st(s) = stitches
ch= chain
sc = single crochet
hdc = half double crochet
sc2tog= single crochet two together
dc2tog = double crochet 2 together
sl st= slip stitch

SOLE of Mary Jane

Round 1: 
start with color A and ch 11. Hdc in 3rd ch from hook and hdc in next 7 sts. 6 hdc in last st. Working on the opposite side, hdc in next 7 sts.  5 hdc in last ch, join with sl st in first hdc.

Round 2:
ch 1. hdc in next 8 sts.  2 hdc in next 5 sts.  hdc in next 8 sts. 2 hdc in next 5 sts, join with sl st in 1st hdc.

Round 3:
ch1, hdc in next 8 sts, (2 hdc in 1 st, 1 hdc in next st) 5 times. hdc in next 8 sts, (2 hdc in 1 st, 1 hdc in next st) 5 times.  join with sl st.

Round 4:
ch 1. working in back loops only sc in each st around (46 sts) join with sl st in ch 1.

Upper shoe

Change to color B

Round 1:
working now in both loops, ch 1, sc in each st around (46 sts). Join with sl st.

Round 2:
ch 1. sc in next 5 sts.  (sc2tog, 1 sc) 6 times.  sc in next 15 sts. (this should bring you to the middle of the heel of the shoe) sc2 togehter one time. sc in remaining 6 sts. join with sl st.

Round 3:
ch 1. sc in next 4 sts. hdc in next st. (dc2together) 6 times. hdc in next st. sc in next 12 sts. sc2tog one time. sc in remaining 6 sts. join with sl st.

Round 4:
sc in next 5 sts. (sc2tog) 3 times. sc in next 19 sts around. Join with sl st.

Do not break yarn.

ch 15. sc in fourth ch from hook. sc in next 10 sts. attatch to bootie and fasten off using invisible knot. strap made. (the 4 chains on the end of the strap make the button hole. If your button is bigger then ch more than 15 to adjust button hole size.)

break yarn.

count back along heel 16 sts. from outside of bootie attach yarn. ch 15. sc in fourth ch from hook. sc in next 10 sts. attach to bootie and fasten off using invisible knot. strap made.

Sew buttons on. Because these are for a baby PLEASE make sure they are fastened securely. We don't want any little ones choking. (I know these are shoes, but you never know)

*because you are using worsted weight yarn, these little booties are quite stiff. Be sure to crochet on the looser side. Also you may use an F hook and get a slightly bigger size, they will fit about a 6 month baby.

Knotty Knotty Crochet: Pretty

For a list of crochet stitches and how to make them go here.


Saturday, April 26, 2014




image credit to


Saturday, April 19, 2014

feeling stitchy: Flip Dolls & Other Toys Review and Giveaway!

feeling stitchy: Flip Dolls & Other Toys Review and Giveaway!: Hello Everyone! We recently received a copy of Laura Wilson's book, Flip Dolls & Other Toys that Zip, Stack, Hide, Grab & ...

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

mom with some inspirations .

Human life consists in mutual service.

Happy Day!

my cup cozy

Yes, I love tea... A lot!
I also am a collector of beautiful simple teapots, sort of...
And dream of a nice cute tea-table...
Of course you are curious what I did with all those flowers from last post, remember?

I started with making a couple more!

Lots of pretty colours to make me happy,

a little sad about all the loose threads I had to sew away ,hide under the cozy here,

but absolutely worth all the effort! Really! :)

I'm so happy with my new tea cozy! :)

Of course this is  my own idea! I wish!

I will work on the pattern very soon and post here.
happy crocheting!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

my daughters ba day

On this day on 2nd April in 1973 I gave birth to my first child. I was in my village fro preparatory holydays of my crass 12th .I had just turned 19 a few days before and although I had managed pregnancy and birth quite well my first face-to-face with my beautiful daughter was daunting.
My mother accompanied the village midwife of our village named jhabbad ki bahu. The previous day in the evening mom called for a less experienced midwife to  check that delivery is fallowing our it’s just the false pain. She declared a welcome for the baby. And the next day at 8:PM my daughter came in this World. It was my grandma who sandwiched the new baby in her daaman(skirt) while sitting on piddhaa beside my bed.

After counting toes and fingers and conducting all the perfunctory checks new mothers feel compelled to perform since no one’s word will do until perfection has been established for oneself, I knew I had to fess up, and straightaway.

Just after birth holding her closely, I gazed into her lovely, aware eyes and declared: I have no idea how to be a mother will probably screw up miserably and often … but will do the very best I can.

I have frequently repeated a version of this that insists she has grown into the woman she is — successful, happy, secure, sensible, beautiful, smart, funny and so much more — not because of, but in spite of me.

She agrees with that in some fashion, deciding long ago not to follow in any of my staggering footsteps, but rather forge a determined path of her own, one that intentionally avoided the pits I toppled into, scrabbled over obstacles and built bridges rather than burned them.

Her efforts have been rewarded. She is amazing, and she is happy.

The gift I gave the world this day 37 years ago was a contribution significant enough to validate my existence, and is the gift that keeps on giving as her daughter carries it forward.


“Sing out loud in the car even, or especially, if it embarrasses your children.” ~ Marilyn Penland

“If you must hold yourself up to your children as an object lesson, hold yourself up as a warning and not as an example.” ~ George Bernard Shaw

Happy birthday, dear.


Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Shivyogion ki Shivratri 1

Maha Shivratri, the night of the
worship of Lord Shiva, occurs on the 14th night of the new moon during the dark
half of the month of Phalguna.
It falls on a moonless February night, when Hindus offer special prayer to the
lord of destruction. Shivratri (Sanskrit ‘ratri’ = night) is the night when he
is said to have performed the Tandava
 or the dance of primordial creation, preservation and
destruction. The festival is observed for one day and one night only.

According to the Puranas,
during the great mythical churning of the ocean called Samudra Manthan, a pot of
poison emerged from the ocean. The gods and the demons were terrified as it
could destroy the entire world. When they ran to Shiva for help, he in order to
protect the world, drank the deadly poison but held it in his throat instead of
swallowing it. This turned his throat blue, and since then he came to be known
as ‘Nilkantha’, the blue-throated one. Shivratri celebrates this event by which
Shiva saved the world.

Shivratri is considered especially auspicious for women. Married
women pray for the well being of their husbands and sons, while unmarried women
pray for an ideal husband like Shiva, who is the spouse of Kali, Parvati and
Durga. But generally it is believed that anyone who utters the name of Shiva
during Shivratri with pure devotion is freed from all sins. He or she reaches
the abode of Shiva and is liberated from the cycle of birth and death.

All through the day the devotees keep severe fast, chant the
sacred Panchakshara mantra “Om Namah Shivaya”, make offerings of flowers and
incense to the Lord amidst ringing of temple bells. They maintain long vigils
during the night, keeping awake to listen to stories, hymns and songs. The fast
is broken only the next morning, after the nightlong worship.